Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 passed but Jesus’ grace never stopped!

What a ride we had! Now, I can say, “Paul, I know what you mean when you say what it was to live with abundance and suffering need. (Phil 4:12)” I say this because at the beginning and middle of 2009 we did not know how we were going to pay for our bills, but by the end of the same year our Lord graciously gave us all we needed to pay for school, home, new baby, and travel home for Christmas! Through it all, we trusted Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:33. Now, for the year 2010, whatever comes we continue seeking His kingdom and righteousness above anything material. I encourage you to remember with us in this new year that when we seek our Master and triune God, all the material needs in life will be provided. All we need to do is to keep first things first. If this was hard for you to believe in 2009, see our journey and seek God above anyone or anything. You won’t regret it! Thank you for your prayers.