Saturday, July 16, 2011

We're Still Here!!!!

I know it has been more than a year since we last updated our blog.  I guess that goes to show how busy life with two little ones has been for us.  Lola joined our family on June 28, 2011 and has kept us smiling ever since.  She was born with red hair just like her mommy and little brother.  Peyton adjusted wonderfully to having a little sister.  He plays with her so well and protects her the best he can.  I love watching them together, it is just one of the many blessings God has given me this year. 

 Peyton has morphed into a full time superhero and fighting crime is what he does best.  He has also entered the stage of curiosity!  I hear the words "why" almost a hundred times a day.  I love his inquisitive spirit and try my best to meet him there, but some days I just run out of answers.  We have started home schooling Peyton this summer and his little mind is learning so much.  He has been memorizing scripture, learning his alphabet and studying math.  I love teaching him and watching as his little mind processes everything.  One day during our bible lesson we were learning about how God chose David to be the new king.  He was not chosen because he was tall, strong or brave.  He was chosen because he loved God and he obeyed God!  The wheels in his head started to turn because Peyton really wants to be big, strong and brave.  I began explaining to him that God cares more about our heart than our physical strength.  Peyton then asked me what made a heart good or bad to God and I shared with him about sin and how it effects our heart.  He then looked at me with big sad brown eyes and said "mommy, my heart is black with sin and I want Jesus to clean it."  What a blessing to hear those words from his little mouth!!!  I then shared with him that only Jesus can clean our hearts because he died on the cross for us.  Peyton then prayed the sweetest prayer ever.  He said, "God, I have a black heart and I need Jesus to clean it.  Last night in the bath I took a toy away from Lola and I was not nice to my friend Hannah when we played yesterday and I did not obey my mom when she told me no more movies.  Please forgive me Jesus because only you can. Amen."  As a mom my heart rejoiced by hearing those words coming from Peyton's mouth. Another blessing I am counting this year. 
Lola on the other hand is all girl!  She loves wearing necklaces and loving on her babies!  Anytime there is music on you will find Lola dancing!  She always puts a smile on our faces and having her in the family has been a true blessing.  She does have a flair for drama and tries to use that to get her way often.  We love playing with her and teaching her new things!  When we say, "show us your pretty eyes Lola," she blinks her eyes as fast as she can.  It cracks us up every time.  She has grown so fast and it feels like she was only a baby for a short time.  We just celebrated her ONE year birthday two weeks ago and it was a great time for us to praise God for allowing Lola to be with us and in our family. 

As for Pablo and I the Lord has blessed us with six wonderful years of marriage.  We have learned so much about each other and ourselves over these past six years and we give God all the glory.  Pablo is working full time and attends seminary part time.  He loves to study and I love hearing him tell me passionately about what he is learning.  It has been a great time of growth for the both of us.  Over the last year I have had the opportunity to be part of a women's small group and discipleship.  I have learned so much about who God is and His Word this year.  I praise God for showing Himself to me through the Bible.  Pablo and I have also had the opportunity to do some fun things together this year.  In April we ran our first ever half-marathon together.  It was so nice training together and accomplishing this goal together.  Then a few months later in June we ran a 5k mud race.  Now that was more my speed and was a lot of fun getting all muddy.  I love spending time with my husband and enjoying life with him.  He is my best friend and a blast to walk through life with.  When I look back over the last year I see nothing but how GOOD the Lord has been to us.  Thank you so much for your prays during this last year.  We can do nothing apart from Christ.