Thursday, September 24, 2009

God and His Great Provision

This has been such a great summer for us. God has shown us that He is our provider and protector over and over again. As many of you know I experienced some health problems this summer that wiped us out financially. Thanks be to God that my health was restored and that I am living pain free today. I can not tell you what a blessing that has been for me. Due to all the medical bill our savings for Pablo to attend seminary was gone in no time. Pablo was such a great support during this time and let me know that I came before school and money. That spoke volumes to me as I was feeling so guilty that the savings was gone on account of me. He has shown his love and support for me through it all. I am so grateful to have such a loving husband. We praised God for healing me and knew that He would provide for Pablo to attend school in the fall. He has brought us so fare we knew he would not abandon us now. We began to pray and asked many of you to pray with us. Two weeks before Pablo was to start the fall semester we did not have any money to pay towards his tuition. It was during those two weeks the Lord began to provide through scholarships and friends and family. One night Pablo was studying at the library and Peyton and I went to check the mail. When we checked the mail there was $1400 in checks from friends and family. I can not tell you the joy and gratitude that consumed me. When Pablo came home we thanked the Lord for taking care of us again and providing down to the last dollar. He knew what we needed and even went above that and gave us enough for books. HOW GREAT OUR GOD IS!!!!! I love watching Him work out things that are imposable to us. The week after school started the Lord then provided Pablo with a job at the church full time. This was another answer to our prayers. He has brought us through a summer I would re gladly live again. This summer I was able to see our Makers love and care in such a personal way. Thanks be to GOD!!!!!! We would also like to thanks all the friends and family that prayed and gave during this time. We are so grateful to you all. May the Lord bless you all richly.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Peyton's Swim Lessons!

This has been such a fun summer for us. God has truly blessed us in so many ways. A lady at our church owns a swim school here in Dallas and gave all church employees' children free swim lessons during the summer. We were so excited and Peyton loved it.

The lessons were for two weeks and he learned how to go under the water, jump in, and hold his breath. He really did a great job and met some new friends. It was a great time for us all.

Peyton has been a great joy to both Pablo and myself. He brings a smile to our face and keeps us laughing all the time. We have been so blessed to be his parents.

Thank you Dolphin Swim School for such a wonderful time and teaching us so much. We hope to see you all next summer.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Praise be to GOD!!!

I heard this last week from the doctor and my results came back great. She has diagnosed me with a spastic colon. She is treating it now with diet and herbal medicine. I have been on this regiment now for three days and have not found any relief from the pain yet. The doctor said that I need to stick with the treatment for two months and then if it still is not working she will prescribe some medicine that can help relax the colon. I am so grateful to GOD that there is nothing seriously wrong. There was a time that I was very scared, but GOD has shown me His faithfulness through all of this. PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!! Now that I look back I wonder why I was ever scared to begin with? Was my faith lacking? Had I forgot the Greatness and Provision of my GOD? I think that I let the fear of the unknown over weigh my faith in the one who created my body and knows it's ins and outs. My fear of not being here on this earth to watch my son grow to be a man was on my mind daily. Those are the thoughts that went through my heart and soul. But I daily have to remember that God's ways are higher and His purpose for me is better than one I could ever dream up. I have to remember that Peyton is not mine!!!! WOW, how my heart hurts even typing those words....but God has lent him to me for a brief time here on this earth. Peyton belongs to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings and He also has a purpose for Peyton. I see that my purpose on this earth now is to honor GOD with all my heart, Love and cherish my husband, and raise Peyton to Know and Love God. However long my life here on this earth shall be I am here to do those three things. Thank you all for your prayer during this time and for your calls and letters. You are all such a gift from GOD! I love you and please keep us in your prayers.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Waiting for new results

Today Amy received a phone call from the doctor's office letting her know that the results of the biopsis will be given later this week. As fast as we know anything we will keep you updated. Please keep us in your prayers during these moments of trials. Thank you.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Clear to the naked eye!

Why do our minds think the worst when we have a hypothesis like Amy's. Well, I don't know! But what we feared the most is not happening according to what the doctor's naked eyes could see. Those are great news! The tumor, cancer, crones, etc., are all discarded. Could it had been there and God did a miracle? Surely,Possibly, maybe, I don't know. But we are very thankful for the Lord's grace through these scary and expectant moments. Did God answer your and my prayers? Of course He did, and the glory be to our triune God alone. Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement. Amy is now recuperating with her lovely aunt Jan on her side, who flew all the way from Arkansas at the last minute to be with her. Thank you aunt Jan, it meant the world to Amy. Thanks Matt, Angie, Virginia, Ellie, Christy Habashy, Laly, Cris, Feno, and others (sorry if I didn't get your name), for just being there to pick us up and lift us up. We are very thankful for you all. If you have any questions please call me (Pablo) until Amy feels better. With nothing else to say, but with a smile on my face, I want to say one more time; thank you so much for your support and prayers. Shalom out!
Pablo S. Paredes
Romans 8:28

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

PRAYER request

Hello everyone. Many of you already know why we are asking for your prayers but for those who are just reading this blog here it is.
Early this week our mom and wife, Amy, had a doctor's appointment with a specialist to see why her lower stomach hurts often. The specialist told Amy it could be different things such as: a tumor, crones, and others. For this reason she was schedule to have a more inductive exam this Thursday afternoon.
As you may assume, our fist impression was of fear. Fear of the unknown. But at the same time Amy has taken it really well with the support of her family and sisters.
If you can please pray for the LORD to give her the extra strength we need to go through this no matter what the outcome is. The Word tells us in Rom. 8:28 (which was our wedding passage) that all things workout for the good of those who love Him. We hold on to this truth and it is what brings us peace and tranquility.
We have no doubt in our minds that He has a bigger purpose for this but we just don't know the specifics at this point. But we have faith in Him who knows the unknown.
Please remember Amy in your prayers.
Remaining in Him,
Pablo & Amy Paredes

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's good to go home!!!

Another great blessing for us this summer was having the opportunity to go HOME!!!

After living or visiting many different places throughout our lives, we have come to somehow grasp the idea of home. What is home? Is it Cuenca, Quito, Edinburg, Jonesboro, Lake City, Dallas, Texas, Arkansas, Ecuador or the United States? It is more evident for us now, that home is where our hearts are, and our hearts are where our closest ones are. For this reason, we can humbly say that the LORD by his grace has formed a family consisting of three hearts. Peyton, Amy & Pablo. Wherever they are is the home of the Paredes family.
But at the same time, this is only a temporary home because the eternal one is yet to come. That is our true citizenship and our heavenly home!

Having remembered this, we can not deny the fact that it was so nice to visit our parents, sisters and brother back in Arkansas. The LORD used this time to recharge, learn, enjoy, and encourage our loved ones.

As you may know, Peyton had not seen his grandparents for a couple of months so our visit was a chance for them to know, love and care for him in their own unique manner. At the same time he got to know them and learn their names! Now he says, "Abuelo & Abuela." He can also say, "Gran & Papa." Little things like these are the ones that bring a smile to our hearts.
I (Pablo) had the opportunity to do what I enjoy the most. I had the priviledge and honor to teach at "Vida Nueva Christian Church." It was a time of greetings and reflection on the eternal fountain of life, the Word of God. Talvez no lo pude expresar bien a la congregacion pero de veras fue un tiempo muy especial para mi persona al compartir la Palabra con mi familia espiritual. Also it was nice to be able to spend time with dad, mom, Maggie and Stephen. The ecuadorian food was great! But what also pleased my heart was seing the "abuelos" play with Peyton and the encouraging conversations with dad about ministry. Dad may not noticed but he's the best teacher/mentor I've had. Thanks pa!

After a week of visiting, teaching, and learning, I had to fly back to Dallas to work. But Amy and Peyton stayed in Arkansas for another week to attend a wedding and continue visiting her family. It was so nice for Peyton to be able to spend some time playing with his cousin Grant. They had several days that they were able to spend together and learned to love and play with each other in their own ways. Since we have returned home Peyton says "Grant" all the time.
I (Amy) had a great time visiting with my family and loving on them. I had missed my mom and it was nice to be able to spend one on one time with her. We enjoyed shopping, watching movies and playing with the grandkids. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful supportive family.

They were able to spend time with Amy's brother Matt and his family as well as Amy's dad Mr. Hill. And as you can imagine I was desperately missing them back in Dallas. It is only in these times that we get to appreciate and value even more the presence and love of our families.
As may guess, our home is no longer in Arkansas, Cuenca, Ecuador or Texas, but wherever Peyton, Amy & Pablo are in this momentary earth; with the expection of our eternal home and nationality in the ages to come.

Thank you all for the hospitality back in Arkansas, and thank God for bringing Amy and Peyton safe to Papi. This is all for now until our next journey or project.

Trip to New York

We were so blessed this year to be able to take a trip to New York. Pablo's uncle invited us to come and visit him and his family during the summer. After he offered to send us two plane tickets how could we refuse. We went the week after Pablo finished his finals at seminary. It was such a great time to relax and enjoy family after the busy end of semester projects. We had such a great time visiting with family and building on those relationships. It is during those moments that you truly feel blessed by the people God puts in your life. We were able to encourage them and draw encouragement from them. It is great to see how the body of Christ works.

We also did a lot of sightseeing. We would wake up every morning and hit the streets. We went all over New York everyday and still did not have enough time to see all we wanted. My sweet husband did get me a wonderful mother's day gift while we were in New York. He bought me a ticket to go and see The Lion King on Broadway and it was fabulous. Pablo's Aunt Silvana and I went together to see it and we had such great seats. It was truly a dream come true for me. Thank you so much my love!!!

Although, this is not everyone in the family, here is a good shot of most of them. Our last day in New York the family had a cook out and we enjoyed the nice weather outside. Peyton had a great time in New York even though we were so busy and he missed most of his naps and did not get to bed before midnight most nights. He also learned the word "MINE" while we were in New York. That is one word I could have done without him learning. Peyton thought the world of Papi Victor (Pablo's grandpa) and would not leave his side. He loved him so much that Papi Victor would have to hide from Peyton just to get a few minutes of peace. Peyton loved visiting with the family and playing with the girls. We are so greatful to God for providing us with a much needed vacation. Also, thank you Feno and Silvi for your hospitality and generosity.