Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's good to go home!!!

Another great blessing for us this summer was having the opportunity to go HOME!!!

After living or visiting many different places throughout our lives, we have come to somehow grasp the idea of home. What is home? Is it Cuenca, Quito, Edinburg, Jonesboro, Lake City, Dallas, Texas, Arkansas, Ecuador or the United States? It is more evident for us now, that home is where our hearts are, and our hearts are where our closest ones are. For this reason, we can humbly say that the LORD by his grace has formed a family consisting of three hearts. Peyton, Amy & Pablo. Wherever they are is the home of the Paredes family.
But at the same time, this is only a temporary home because the eternal one is yet to come. That is our true citizenship and our heavenly home!

Having remembered this, we can not deny the fact that it was so nice to visit our parents, sisters and brother back in Arkansas. The LORD used this time to recharge, learn, enjoy, and encourage our loved ones.

As you may know, Peyton had not seen his grandparents for a couple of months so our visit was a chance for them to know, love and care for him in their own unique manner. At the same time he got to know them and learn their names! Now he says, "Abuelo & Abuela." He can also say, "Gran & Papa." Little things like these are the ones that bring a smile to our hearts.
I (Pablo) had the opportunity to do what I enjoy the most. I had the priviledge and honor to teach at "Vida Nueva Christian Church." It was a time of greetings and reflection on the eternal fountain of life, the Word of God. Talvez no lo pude expresar bien a la congregacion pero de veras fue un tiempo muy especial para mi persona al compartir la Palabra con mi familia espiritual. Also it was nice to be able to spend time with dad, mom, Maggie and Stephen. The ecuadorian food was great! But what also pleased my heart was seing the "abuelos" play with Peyton and the encouraging conversations with dad about ministry. Dad may not noticed but he's the best teacher/mentor I've had. Thanks pa!

After a week of visiting, teaching, and learning, I had to fly back to Dallas to work. But Amy and Peyton stayed in Arkansas for another week to attend a wedding and continue visiting her family. It was so nice for Peyton to be able to spend some time playing with his cousin Grant. They had several days that they were able to spend together and learned to love and play with each other in their own ways. Since we have returned home Peyton says "Grant" all the time.
I (Amy) had a great time visiting with my family and loving on them. I had missed my mom and it was nice to be able to spend one on one time with her. We enjoyed shopping, watching movies and playing with the grandkids. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful supportive family.

They were able to spend time with Amy's brother Matt and his family as well as Amy's dad Mr. Hill. And as you can imagine I was desperately missing them back in Dallas. It is only in these times that we get to appreciate and value even more the presence and love of our families.
As may guess, our home is no longer in Arkansas, Cuenca, Ecuador or Texas, but wherever Peyton, Amy & Pablo are in this momentary earth; with the expection of our eternal home and nationality in the ages to come.

Thank you all for the hospitality back in Arkansas, and thank God for bringing Amy and Peyton safe to Papi. This is all for now until our next journey or project.

1 comment:

  1. Pablo and Amy, what a sweet post! I am glad "home" right now is in Dallas so we can enjoy your family during this season of life!! :)
