Friday, March 19, 2010

A word from Amy!

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support during this very difficult time in our lives. Through all of this we have been able to see the hand of our Lord at work. I know that it is only because of Him that Lola is still growing inside of me today. Praise be to God!!!!
I have now been home from the hospital for one week. It has not been an easy week, but one that I welcome and thank God for. There have been many ups and downs for me emotionally, physically, and spiritually but, through it all I am being strengthened more and more each day. I can not thank the Body of Christ enough for all of the cards, prayers, encouragement, flowers, visits, food and phone calls. You will never know how you have each touched our lives and encouraged us through this.
Once I arrived home I was flooded with so many emotions. I felt joy that I was able to come home, gratitude to the Lord for a second chance with Lola, fear that something else would go wrong, sadness when my little boy would ask me to get up and play with him, loneliness that I can not describe, and headaches and a racing heart from all my medications. I have never felt so much in all my life and did not know what to do with so many emotions. I began to pray and ask God to see me through this time emotionally. I knew He had brought me this far for a purpose and that was not to just leave me. I sought joy in the smallest things through out the day, like coloring and playing toys with Peyton, a hug and kiss from Pablo, a kick from Lola...these became the things the Lord was showing me to remind me of how very blessed I am. I know that I can not be the mom, wife, and friend that I need to be without the constant love and renewing I get from my Lord and Savior. It is through Him that I gain strength and wisdom each day. Today I read these words in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
"Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
This verse is my prayer today for myself and for all of you.
Yesterday I was able to leave my apartment and go to visit my doctor. I was so nice to get fresh air and spend time with my husband. The doctor said that everything is looking better. I can now lower my doses of medication, in two more weeks I will be able to sit up a little more, and that Lola looked great and was measuring bigger that normal. It was such a blessing to hear this good news. Lola and mommy are doing fine and only have 9 more weeks of bed rest left. I can't wait for the day I will be able to hold my sweet little Lola!
I can not say enough about my dear husband. He has been truly amazing through all of this. He has listened to fears and wiped away all of my tears. During our highest highs and lowest lows he has pointed us to Christ and His love for us. Since I have been on bed rest he has taken on my roles as well as his and has never complained one moment. I have seen his servant heart and love for me through all of this. I thank God everyday for blessing me with such an amazing partner in life.
I hope that through this blog you are able to see how good our GOD is and how much He cares for us. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and let us know how in turn we can pray for you.
This week I ask that you would lift these request up to the Lord for us:
1.) That we would adjust to having people in our home helping us around the clock.
2.) That Peyton could understand why mommy can't go out or get up to play with him.
3.) That Pablo will do well next week balancing family, work, and school.
4.) That I would continue to find joy in the small things and lean on my Lord and Savior.
Thank you all so much for your love and support.


  1. Thanks for the post. Love it. (Friend,"SISTER" of Sharon and Jan.

  2. You are a strong woman and you have a loving husband to help you thru this. I wish I was closer so I could help. Just know that you guys are in my thoughts and prayers. It won't be long until you have that sweet baby girl in your arms! Love, Aunt Tammy
