Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another week down!!!!!

This photo was taken the week before I went into the hospital. I was 22 weeks.

Praise the LORD, we have completed another week of bed rest and keeping little Lola inside. The Lord has been so good to us! Last week my Aunt Jan came and took care of us. It was so nice to have her here, cooking, cleaning, playing with Peyton, and loving all over us. Emotionally I have done much better this past week. I have a new sence of purpose and focus and that has helped greatly. Physically I had some ups and downs. Last Wednesday I woke up in pain and had to go back to the doctor. When he checked me he said that Lola was trying to come, AGAIN! He checked my cervix and said that it was looking great and that Lola was just pushing her head against my cervix. He sent me home and told me to keep my feet UP and rest. When I went back to see him on Friday, I was feeling so good and when he checked me he said that she had moved up and that everything was looking wonderful. I was so happy to hear those words. He said that Lola and I looked so good that I could have a week off going to the doctor's office and that I can stop taking my medication. GOD answered our prayers!!!!

I would like to thank you all for praying for us and thinking about us this week. I have loved reading your email, cards, and talking with you all on the phone. You have all been a great encouragement to me.

I would like to share with you the ways the Lord has been answering our prayers and the ways in which we still need prayer.

1.) The Lord has provided us with help in our home. Pablo's mom and sister came for two days to help, Pablo's dad came to help for a week, my Aunt Jan came to help for a week, my mom is here now helping for a week, and then my dad will be here for a week. Having them here helping in the home allows me to still be a mom to Peyton during the day, keeps our house tended to, and lessens Pablo's load so he can work and study.

2.) My health seems to be getting better and I have not had to take as much medication. I have adjusted more to the meds and being on bed rest. Praise GOD!

3.) Peyton is slowly getting used to mommy being on bed rest. He still would choose to sit by my side all day over going out and playing. But thanks for friends and family he has gotten to go on several outings. We both are learning how to play in the bed and I still feel his love each day.

4.) Pablo has started back to school and is in full force again. God has given Pablo the strength to get the things done he needs and complete assignments.

Here is how you can pray for us this week:

1.) Please pray that we will be able to find help in our home with Peyton and myself after the first week of April. Our list of family that can come and help will have ran out by then and we are not sure what we are going to do after that.

2.) Pray that the Lord will continue to give Pablo stength and wisdom. Work is getting busy, he has assignments coming up due for school, and as our help lessens in the home he will have to take on more roles here as well. Pray that God will help Pablo balance all things well.

3.) Pray that Peyton continues to be himself and adjusts to our changing lives.

4.) Pray that the Lord would continue to keep Lola in and help me cope daily with my changing circumstances.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support! Let us know how we can lift you up this week to our Lord.




  1. Still Praying~ Linda Jackson ` Jonesboro

  2. Nice to see you guys well and happy! best wishers for the easter!
